A winter walk among snow frosted trees is not for everyone. Friends who are not snow devotees are jonesing for Spring about now. But they’ll have to wait cuz winter has just begun. As a snow aficionado, I could not be more thrilled!
Walking in Nature after a winter snowfall is both serene and decadent. The sound of crunching snow beneath my feet – usually a sign of how cold it is. I view winter as a much needed time for Nature to rest. A peaceful time.
Snowboarding – my usual winter activity staple has been on the back-burner for the last few seasons. So it is on these winter walks that I relish the landscape after a beautiful snowfall.

Unexpected Snow
This particular snowfall was somewhat unexpected but ultimately made for some beautiful conditions the next morning. Starting out as rain late in the afternoon the day before, I didn’t think it would amount to much. But what I woke to in the morning was a lovely surprise. Waaaay more snow and beautiful blue skies. I could not get bundled up fast enough to get outside! Encased in down and wool, off I went grateful that I can just walk out the door – no car required!
The plows had not been out yet to clear the paths so it was hoofing it for sure. Quite the workout and truthfully I should have donned my snowshoes!
Reminding Me of Frosted Flakes

Greeted by snow covered trees that reminded me of Frosted Flakes, I was in for a treat. The backdrop of a clear blue sky was the cherry on top. Armed with just my phone camera, I was still able to get some beautiful shots.
There is such a short window to capture any photos of the trees in this state. It’s only a matter of time before the morning sun melts everything off.
Mine were not the only tracks being made in the snow. Folks out walking with happy dogs who could barely contain themselves with joy. You can’t help but smile when you see this. Their energy is infectious and I could relate to their vibe!
On the opposite side of the snow spectrum is the quiet stillness. A park bench covered in snow surrounded by snowy, frosted trees. An opportunity to take pause (or paws) 🙂

Nary a Prairie Dog to be Found
Walking along the greenbelt in either direction (east or west), there are several prairie dog colonies. Usually a hustle and bustle of chirping going on. Warnings of the resident hawks that may be circling above in search of a morning meal. It’s always a fascinating Nature scene to observe.

However, on frigid days when snow blankets the landscape, it’s completely quiet. Prairie dogs are tucked away in their burrows – their mounds nothing more than bumps in the snow as shown in the photo above.
Celebrate the Snow!

For those yearning for spring, it will be here soon enough. In the mean time, I would suggest appreciating this time where Nature is taking a much needed breather. It’s recharging – no USB cable required! Enjoy the magic of millions of snowflakes – no two the same coming together to create this magnificent scenery.
Enjoy the quietude that winter can bring as snow blankets the open spaces and landscape. Spring NEEDS winter so put those winter blues aside and go make a snow angel 😇