Blooming Purple and White Crocus Flowers

White and purple blooming Crocus flowers.

The little Crocus flowers I also enjoy photographing come early spring were elusive this year. Checking the usual spots that I’ve found them blooming previously was for naught. Perhaps the spring snow storms got to them before I could? One spot I’ve photographed them before showed remnants of blooms that had fallen prey to the heavy wet snow. Unlike the Dwarf Iris that appear to brave the unpredictable spring elements better, Crocus can be a bit more fragile. But these pretty goblet-shaped flowers can still hold their own.

Not willing to be defeated, I was determined to find some still blooming. I just had to explore and forage elsewhere…

Translucent purple flower petals on this little spring flower.
Newly emerged Crocus flowers.

So after a morning Sprouts run, knowing there was a park with some gardens close by, I decided to do a bit of recon.  Having walked by the xeric gardens nothing seemed to be blooming. However, once I walked further along, I came across what looked like some newly created flower beds with fresh soil.

Low and behold, I hit the jack pot with newly emerging Crocus flowers – woo-hoo!

Initially I just took a bunch of photos with my phone. As usual, they were meh. Not wanting this fresh discovery of Crocus flowers to pass me by, I headed back a few days later with my camera. We had received more snow in the interim, so I kept my fingers crossed that not all the flowers fell victim to the elements.

Thankfully, I was rewarded with my return effort to this newly discovered garden!

Purple and White Crocus Flowers Blooming Happily

Crocus with purple striping on flower petals.
Pretty, purple striped Crocus in the morning sun.

Navigating these newly discovered flower beds was a bit tricky. The placement where the Crocus were coming up did not allow me to get some of the angles I prefer with these little flowers. I love when I can down close enough to capture the translucent petals in the morning sun.

But walking around, seeing the flowers in purples and white made me happy just the same. However, I did not see any yellow Crocus as those are so pretty. Some of the flowers had fallen victim to the latest snow fall. But most were still intact with new blooms to boot. And it appears that some of these Crocus have signs of Hyacinths as soon to be neighbors.

So with my thick garden pad in hand, I settled in to capture what I could and thoroughly enjoyed the photography experience of this new discovery. These is much to be said for spending the morning sitting in the dirt and hanging out with blooming bits of Nature.

White and purple Crocus just opening.
These two little Crocus are just opening to the warming morning sun.
To the right, two white Crocus with a Hyacinth popping up behind them.
White Crocus flowers in early spring.
Purple Crocus in the spotlight.
In the spotlight and taking center stage!

A Bee Drops In

In my previous recon visit to the garden, a bee did make an appearance. But the photos I captured of the little fella with my phone camera were terrible. So slowly walking around the flowers with my actual camera, I was hoping a bee drop in again on my return visit. And low and behold, my patience paid off!

Bee gathering pollen inside white Crocus.
Bee dotted with golden pollen inside white Crocus.

With the cool spring mornings, and limited flower blooms, it’s slim pickins’ for bees in their pollen gathering efforts. But ever industrious, they show up – even if they are moving a bit slower than usual. This little guy was completely dotted with little specks of golden pollen. I sat observing – ever grateful that Nature once again delivered such a beautiful moment 🙂

If youre a fan of pretty Crocus flowers, check out this other post with accompanying photos:
Crocus Flowers Come to Life in Early Spring