Purple Pasque Flowers with Their Bright Yellow Centers

purple pasque flower pods.

With the drier spring this season, the purple Pasque flowers appear to have been a bit late to the party. They by-passed the usual Easter bloom. However, with their purple flowers, bright yellow centers and feathery green leaves, they are a welcome sight when they flower. And with camera in hand, I’m all to ready to enjoy capturing some photos!

As noted in the previous post, the Grape Hyacinths definitely took center stage with their little, vibrant purple flower clusters. And lest we forget the Dwarf Iris as spring’s endurance athletes for blooming under more variable conditions. Perhaps the Pasque flowers needed a bit more coaxing this season? Spring conditions were certainly drier this year unlike last year’s abundant spring snowfall. No spring April snow this year – bummer 🙁

Fuzzy Pod-Like Purple Buds

Fuzzy, purple flower buds
Purple Pasque pods with their fuzzy white texture.

Before Pasque actually open up to their full bloom, they look like hanging purple pods with a feathery white coating. They initially look a bit droopy.

In the photo to the right, a close-up look reveals the unique textures on the external petals. It’s like peach fuzz with the foliage being equally as fuzzy.

In the morning sunlight, these features really stand out.

Predominately purple in the gardens I photograph them, I’ve come across a few clusters of pink flowers and white too. They are equally as pretty. However, I’ve yet to capture a worthy photo of them.

Once they open, you are blessed with purple flowers with bright yellow centers!

Flowing Clusters of Flowers and Leaves

The plants have this undulating appearance of movement. Perhaps it’s the forms of the purple pods and their arched stems prior to opening. They look humble and demure and somewhat shy. But then they turn to the sky and open like “jazz-hands”! ! Sometimes they remind me of satellite dishes the way they angle themselves to pick-up the perfect sun signal that leads to their blooming.

Purple pasques with their feathery green leaves
Arched stems and feathery leaves of the plants.
pasque flowers open to the morning sun
Purple Pasque flowers like little satellite dishes pointing towards the sky.

Standing on Their Own

The clusters of Pasque growing together may provide safety in numbers. They are beautiful to see blooming all together. However there is always that one here or there that stands away from the crowd. The one that blooms boldly and vividly on its own. These brave little souls get your attention!

Solitary purple pasque flower with its bright yellow center.
Solitary purple Pasque with its bright yellow center reaching for the morning sun.
Purple pasque flower with bright yellow center.
Pasque blooming away from the “crowd”.

These fearless flowers are a testament to Nature’s bravery – IMHO. Fuzzy flower warriors they are!

The prevailing elements and unpredictability of spring may have caused them to show up later than their clustered counterparts. But I’m grateful for the opportunity to photograph them whenever they choose to bloom.

No doubt, their unique flower transformations will be soon to follow 🙂